Ger an jydh / Word of the day
This is a list of the 'geryow an jydh' (words of the day) posted each day on our Facebook page .
Click the word or phrase to hear how to pronounce it. The sound files should open in a new window. With some browsers you may need to use the back arrow to return to the list of words. Where you see the word twice there are alternative voices to give you a sense of differing pronunciation. Those words coloured green are late Cornish variants, thus there can be a slightly different spelling.
A-dryv, A-dryv - behind
Adamant, Adamant- diamond
Alargh, Alargh , Elergh - swan
Alhwedh, Alwedh , Awhel - key
Als, Als , Als - cliff
Amanyn - butter
Apposyans , Apposyans , Apposyans - exam
Argh dhillas , Argh dhillas , Argh dhillas - chest of drawers
Arghans , Arghans - money
Arghpedrevan - dinosaur
Arvor - Coast
Arwodhik - badge
Asen - donkey
Asklos - chips
Atalgist - dustbin
Aval - apple
Avan - raspberry
Avokado - avocado
Awen - Inspiration
Awgrym - arithmetic, mathematics
Bagas - band, group
Baramanyn - sandwich
Bargen tir - farm
Barv - beard
Bath - coin
Bejeth - face
Benyn - woman
Besies troos - toes
Besowen - beech tree
Bibyn bubyn - shrimp, prawn
Bledhen Nowydh Da - Happy New Year
Bleujen an gogh - bluebell
Blew - hair
Bocka - ghost
Bondennow - tyres
Bord du - blackboard
Bosti - restaurant
Botel - bottle
Breghellik - bracelet
Briallen - primrose
Brogh - badger
Bugh - cow
Bughik Duw - ladybird
Bulhorn - snail
Byghan - small
Byrlans - hug
Bys - world
Chi - house
Chi daromresys - haunted house
Chymbla - chimney
Cita - city
Da lowr - OK
Daras - door
Daromres - traffice
Davas - sheep
Deges - closed
Dehen rew - ice cream
Delen - leaf
Dens - teeth
Derowen - oak tree
Dewweder - glasses, spectacles
Direwl - Anarchy
Diwotti- pub
Dons - dance
Donsya - to dance, dancing
Dowr tomm - brandy
Dowr tomm alban - whisky, Scotch
Dowrvargh - hippopotamus
Dragon - dragon
Drog yw genev - I'm sorry
Droglam - accident
Drog penn - headache
Duwes - goddess
Dydh aval lowen - happy apple day
Dydh da - good day, hello
Dydhlyver - diary
Dydh Benenes Keswlasek Lowen - Happy International Women's Day
Dy'Gwener an Grows - Good Friday
Dy'Lun - Monday
Dy'Lun glas - Blue Monday
Ebron - sky
Eglos - church
Enys - island
Epskop - Bishop
Er - eagle
Ergh - snow
Erghwynn - Snow White
Esedhva - living room
Eskis - shoe
Euryor - watch
Eynda - India
Eythin - gorse
Fardel - parcel
Fenester - window
Folen - page
Fordh - road
Forn - oven
Fos - wall
Fusen - rocket
Glanhe - to clean
Glas - blue (or green)
Glaw -rain
Glaw 2 - rain
Glawlen -umbrella
Goghien - wasp
Gogosk - nap
Gogow - cave
Golowji - lighthouse
Golowys - lights
Gool Peran Lowen - Happy St. Piran's festival
Goolan - seagull
Gorbollek - super-bright
Grappys - grapes
Gwari mildam - jigsaw puzzle
Gweder mires - mirror
Gwedhen Nadelik - Christmas tree
Gwedren - (a) glass
Gweli - bed
Gweli dydh - sofa
Gweli ros - pram
Gwels - grass
Gwelsigow - scissors
Gwenton - Spring
Gwerthji - shop
Gweythva - factory
Gwia - to knit
Gwias kevnis - spider's web
Gwin - wine
Gwithi - museum
Gwiwer - squirrel
Gwlanek - jumper
Gwynsek - windy
Hanaf - cup
Hanter-nos- midnight
Hatt - hat
Hatt Nadelik - Christmas hat
Heb kost - free
Hedh! - stop
Hesken - saw
Hireth - Longing
Hogen - pie
Hogh Gyni - Guinea pig
Holan - salt
Hos - duck
Huder - Magician
Hunros - dream
Hwedhel - story
Hwyja - to vomit
Idhyowen - ivy
Ilow - music
Iskarga - to download
Jynevra - gin
Jynevra 2 - gin
Jynn - machine
Jynn-amontya - computer
Jynn diwros - motor bike
Jynn ebron - aeroplane
Jynn ethen - steam engine
Jynnglesin - lawn-mower
Jynn-krommgentra - stapler
Jynn-tenna - tractor
Jiraff - giraffe
Kaboli - to stir, mix
Kador - chair
Kaja - daisy
Kala' Me - May Day
Kalter - kettle
Kammneves - rainbow
Kana - to sing
Kanker - crab
Kanstel - basket
Karetys - carrots
Karr kreslu - police car
Karten - card
Karten gresys - credit card
Karten rudh - red card
Karow ergh - reindeer
Kas - dislike, hate
Kastel - castle
Kastel tewes - sandcastle
Kath - cat
Kegin - kitchen
Keginer - chef
Kemeneth - community
Kempen - tidy
Keninen - bulb of garlic
Kerdh - walk
Kerensa - love
Keresen - cherry
Kert - lorry, cart
Keskerdh - procession
Keslowena - congratulations
Keus - cheese
Kevewi - party
Kevnisen - spider
Kewer - weather
Ki - dog
Kibel - bath
Kist - box
Kisten liwyow - paintbox
Klapkodh - mobile phone
Klavjior - nurse
Koffi - coffee
Kollell-lesa - octopus
Kolon - heart
Kolyn - puppy
Komolen - cloud
Konin Pask - Easter bunny
Korev - beer
Korn - horn
Kosk - sleep
Kovro - souvenir
Kowas - shower
Kowlik - Brussels sprout
Kowr - giant
Kres - peace
Kresigow - crisps
Kroglen - curtain
Krogen - shell
Kroust - snack, packed lunch
Kudh - hidden, secret
Kuntelles - meeting
Kyttrin - bus
Kyfeyth - jam
Lader - robber
Lavrek - trousers
Lavrek byghan - pants, knickers
Legest - lobster
Lenn - blanket
Lesk lovan - swing
Lester-gwari - yacht
Leth - milk
Lew - lion
Lewpard - leopard
Lien dorn - handkerchief
Lien konna - scarf
Lili korawys - daffodil
Liw bejeth - make-up
Lo - spoon
Loder Nadelik - Christmas stocking
Loor - moon
Loundres - London
Lowarn 1 - fox
Lowarn 2 - fox
Lowarth - garden
Lowen - happy
Lugarn - lamp
Lughes - lightning
Lymmaval - lemon
Lyther - letter
Lyver - book
Mamm wynn - grandmother
Margh - horse
Marghek - knight
Marthys - marvellous
Maylyer - envelope
Medalen - medal
Megi difennys - no smoking
Mesen - acorn
Mel - honey
Melder - honey, sweetheart
Melin buber - pepper mill
Melin wyns - windmill
Melldorn - knuckle
Menydh - mountain
Mester cirk - ringmaster
Meur ras - thank you
Mis - month
Mis Genver - January
Myttin - morning
Molgh dhu - blackbird
Moos - table
Mor - sea
Mordardha - to surf
Morlader - pirate
Morvil - whale
Morvledh - shark
Morvoren - mermaid
Myll - poppy
Nadelik Lowen - Happy Christmas
Nader margh - dragonfly
Nafas - cup (cupful)
Neyth - nest
Nihon - Japan
Niwlek - foggy
Nos - night
Nos Kalan Gwav - All Hallows Eve
Nos Tansys - Bonfire night
Ober - work
Ol troos - footprint
Omlowenhe - enjoy
Onyonen - onion
Orsik - teddy bear
Oula - owl
Ownek - scared
Owr - gold
Oy - egg
Oyl - oil
Oyow Pask - Easter eggs
Padel dhorn - saucepan
Palmwedhen - palm tree
Paper nowodhow - newspaper
Papynjay- parrot
Paradhis - paradise
Park - field
Peber - baker
Pedrek - square
Pel - ball
Pellgowser - telephone
Pellwolok - television
Penn pali - bluetit
Pennseythen - weekend
Peren - pear
Persil - parsley
Pfyffyer - dolphin
Pinaval - pineapple
Pitsa - pizza
Plat - plate
Pluven - pen, feather
Pollen - puddle
Pons - bridge
Ponya - run
Pow Sows - England
Pows - dress
Pri - clay
Privedhyow - toilet/s
Pryv - worm
Purpur - purple
Pysk (owr) - fish (goldfish)
Raglev - vote
Rann - part/share
Redenen - fern
Res a-dro - roundabout, carousel
Rider - sieve
Ris - rice
Rohow - presents
Rosen - rose
Roskisyow - roller skates
Rudh - red
Rudhek - robin
Rudhem - ruby
Rugbi - rugby
Rutyer - eraser
Sarf - snake
Sarf-neyja - kite
Selsik - sausages
Serrys - angry
Shakleth - milkshake
Skath - boat
Skavel gronek - mushroom, toadstool
Skeul - ladder
Skrifa - to write
Skol - school
gajskolveythrin[1].m4aSkol veythrin - nursery school
Skubell-sugna - vacuum cleaner
Skubyllen baynt - paint brush
Skwith - tired
Slynk - slide
Sodhva - office
Sort - hedgehog
Sos - mate
Splann - splendid
Sportva - stadium
Steren - star
Stervarner - astronaut
Sugen - juice
Sugra - sugar
Tabour - drum
Tan - fire
Tansys - bonfire
Tanweythennow - fireworks
Tarosvan -ghost
Tas Nadelik - Father Christmas
Tesen - cake
Tevi - to grow
Tewyn - dune
Teylu - family
Teylu 2 - family
Tiek - farmer
Tikki Duw - butterfly
Tonn - wave
Tour - tower
Tredan - electricity
Tren - train
Tri Myghtern - three kings
Trihorn - triangle
Trist 1 -sad
Trist 2 - sad
Tro askel - helicopter
Trog - suitcase
Tron - nose, snout
Trongornvil - rhinorceros
Trosek - noisy
Tylda - tent
Yar - chicken
Ydhyn - birds
Yeghes da - cheers/your good health
Yet - gate
Yeyn yw - it's cold
Yeynell - refrigerator
Ygor - open
Ynkleudhva - graveyard
Yskans - cornflakes
Zombi - zombie